Friday, August 29, 2008

September 2008

Fallbrook Second Ward Newsletter
September 2008

If you have a missionary or other spiritual moment you would like to share, we’d love to hear about it! Please email it to or give to a member of the bishopric so we can share it with the ward.

From the Bishopric

September comes along heralding an end to summer and the beginning of a new school year. What a blessing it is to go to school and be educated. Schooling can set you on a course for lifelong learning. I recommend it highly.

In some areas September brings an end to the growing season and the beginning of the harvest. When we moved into our home a few years ago, we found a dying tree in our front yard. It had been neglected for a few years and was twisted, rotting, and gnarled. Because of its condition, we were unsure of what type of tree it was. We were undecided, for a time, whether to rip it out or give it another chance. We decided a little water and tender care would not be costly. After months of watering, fertilizing, and pruning the tree shot forth a few springtime blossoms. Eventually, the tree expressed its thanks, by providing our family with a few delicious apples. Though still slightly dwarfed, each year, with continued care, the tree continues to thrive and produce more and more fruit.

While our labors do not always produce such tangible results, I hope each of us has the chance to observe the fruits of our labors in whatever vineyard we may be laboring. This month and the next, as we approach the elections, we will have the opportunity to labor and share our commitment to families, with our friends and neighbors. Be bold as you water and fertilize! Let the world know the divine nature of families.

September is another eventful month. We have ward conference and the related activities. The theme this year comes from Proverbs: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Each new day we make a choice on how to trust the Lord. Through our labors and the u se of God given talents we can acknowledge the Lord. Our actions are one way to outwardly demonstrate our trust. Through our innermost thoughts and prayers are able to do the same on a personal and private level. Take some time to reflect on the verse and consider its message.

May your labors be fruitful. Thanks for all you do.

Bro G

We've had some wonderful lessons, songs and testimonies shared this month on the importance of baptism. Nancy Wilson's Valiant class did an outstanding job on the importance of "remembering" and reminded us of some of the things we should be focusing on when we partake of the sacrament. Sister Holman taught us the song, "When Jesus Christ Was Baptized" which we will sing for our program in October.

Tori Olson has moved onto Young Women. She obtained her Faith in God award. We will miss her and her sweet example to all of us. Alazae Elzinga will be moving before school starts to Vista. She is taking with her the love of the Primary 2nd Ward and promised to visit again.

We will celebrate with the Bishop August 31 with ice cream sundaes the last half of the third hour of primary. We are celebrating the children bringing their scriptures every Sunday and filling our marble jar. They did it quickly this time! They are hopefully in the habit of bringing their scriptures each Sunday and we will continue to find ways to motivate them.

The theme for September is "I can pray to Heavenly Father and He will hear and answer my prayers.” September birthdays are: Amy Rutherford -Sept. 8, Daniel Carter-Sept. 18, Louis Cortez Webb-Sept. 20 and Olivia Maxwell-Sept. 23. Happy Birthday to all of you sweet children!!
Please mark your calendars for Saturday, Sept. 20, 9-12a.m. for a Stake Primary Activity Day for the girls. It will be held in the Bobier building. They will be making blankets, assemble activity kits for local shelters, decorate lunch sacks and placemats for meals on wheels and make necklaces, decorate frames, make and take FHE lessons. This activity will help fulfill some of their Faith in God requirements. The girls also need to be saving their change between now and Sept. 20 that will go toward one of the Church's humanitarian projects, which is a clean water project. Flyers will be posted on our primary board across from our primary. Please let one of the Presidency know if you are planning to go.

Also, thank you to Stephanie Lowell, Crystal Hawkins, Brother and Sister Cortez and Andrea Poulson for substituting in our primary last month. We appreciate your willingness to help out.

Young Men
During the month of August, the Teachers went Hobie Catting, courtesy of Bro. Renshaw, at Fiesta Island in Mission Bay. The weather was perfect. A total of 6 scouts went and learned the basics of rigging and sailing a hobie cat. From there many went to the ward social at Oceanside Harbor, courtesy of the Tavano’s and the Lowell’s. Two of our scouts were recognized by the fire department for their Eagle Scout landscaping projects (David Abbott and Matt Lutnick).

For more updates and pictures check out their blog!

Young Women
Sept 2nd—Personal Progress
Sept 9th—Stake Leaders will be doing a special activity for the girls
Sept 13th—YW Beehive Conference 9 AM at the Stake Center
Sept 14th—Fallbrook Ward Conference
Sept 16th—No activity because of the Baptisms on Thursday.
Sept 18th—YM/YW Baptisms, Be at church by 3:15
Sept 20th—Youth Dance at the Del Mar Stake--8PM
Sept 21st—Youth Parent Fireside (Standards Night) 7PM at Stake Center
Sept 23rd—Individual Classes
Sept 30th—Combined Activity classes-Camp (Sister Abbott)

Happy Birthday to Scotty Branson on September 25th (Mia Maid teacher)

Additional Information for the Youth

On August 20, the scouts took the young women to the hills northeast of Ramona to hone their shooting skills. The scouts had previously earned their shooting merit badge and enjoyed the chance to share their knowledge. The girls took turns shooting a .22 caliber rifle, and a 20 gauge shotgun. The girls had a blast, literally and figuratively. They turned out to be excellent shooters, regular Annie Oakley’s.

Thanks to the scouts and their leaders for taking the time and sharing their talents.
Thanks to all the youth who participated, leaders who supported, and specialists who directed in the Stake Video Night, Alice in BibleLand on Saturday August 23. The youth had a great time putting the film together. We depicted the tower of Babel. I don't think the people of Babel had as much fun, with mixed up languages, as we did in making the movie. We also had a fun time watching the efforts put together by other wards. The ward production came away with the Best Sound FX award.

Next year's stake youth activity will likely focus on this years seminary material, the New Testament.

Oh, yes; a quick reminder . . . Seminary will be starting at 6:20 on Tuesday, September 2. We have a few new students, and our own Sisters Garrett and Macken will be teaching the Freshmen and Juniors respectively. Invite a friend!!

Relief Society

08 EMPTY NESTERS 6:15 To be announced
13 WARD TEMPLE NIGHT SAT. – 5:00 PM Initiatories and Sealings, 6:00 Chapel Session, 6:30 Endowment Session. If you need a ride, call Sister Parry to coordinate.
14 WARD CONFERENCE: President Hatch will speak to us in Relief Society.
17 RELIEF SOCIETY SERVICE PROJECT - WED. 6:30 We will be making comfort pillows for breast cancer patients. Dessert served.
BOOK CLUB Dark until Oct. Next Book: MARCH by Geraldine Brooks
***Farewell to the Odermotts and Betsy Worden who have moved out of the Ward.
***Brother and Sister Gary Wood became grandparents when Megan had a new baby girl, Riley.
08 Elizabeth McDonald
14 Merette Carlson
20 Jacquelyn Gibb
24 Anna O'Brien
25 Scotty Branson
28 Pamela Knox

Family History
We are still working towards Stake Temple Day, November 8th and each member of the ward having a family name to do an endowment. Our Ward Conference temple day is Saturday, September 13th. There will be time to do initiatories on that day. A baptism time is being arranged or you can make your own appointments at the temple. These dates are coming up very quickly. Let's all strive to do as our Stake President has asked.

The first round of "New FamilySearch" classes has ended. We plan to have another pick-up class for those who would like to attend. If anyone would like a class beyond the basics, let Sister Renshaw know or call her with your questions. Brother Hoopes will be organizing the basics class for those who missed the first round.

Working on your "New FamilySearch" file is a good Sabbath activity.

LDS Employment Services
If you are looking for new or better employment, please contact our Ward Employment Specialist, Bro Denning at 760-723-3367, or our Stake Employment Center at 760-631-4070. Current job listings can be reviewed at

Other Events/Organizations/News

A Note from Brother Norm Rossell (dated August 6):

"Geri and I are plugging right along here. The Good Lord is helping us through this, holding tight to the Iron Rod and grateful for every single blessing. We surely appreciate the sweet messages of encouragement we receive from our beloved ward members. Thank you, one and all!

"Our Father in Heaven is blessing us every step of the way. I've never felt closer to Him or to my Savior. What a comfort!

"We pray God's blessing will continue to pour out upon every dear member of our ward. Thanks for your calls, letters, emails, and for keeping us in your prayers. We love all of you!"


Congratulations to Mark and Jody Lowell! Their son Keith and his wife Amber had a healthy baby boy (Robert Packer Lowell) on Friday, August 29!

If you weren't there, you missed a perfect day at the beach. A fun time was had by all who came, lots of sun, sand and great company. September is our Ward Conference month. Mark your calendar for our September Ward Activity on Saturday, September 6. Dinner will be served at 6:00 with great entertainment to follow. Come in your jeans and cowboy hats and plan on letting your hair down. See you there!!


F2 Missionary Effort

The missionaries sincerely appreciate all that the Fallbrook 2nd Ward does to support the missionary effort. We know that the Lord will bless us as we seek to build relationships with our friends, which in turn will turn into opportunities to share the life-changing testimonies that are so precious to us.

Our Ward Mission Plan includes these areas of encouragement:
• Creating an individual Family Mission Plan
• Praying for Elder Mosier and Elder Rasmussen by name
• Praying daily for opportunities to share the Gospel
• Sharing a gospel message (however brief) daily

The Ward Missionaries stand ready to help you in your sharing efforts. Brother Heid 420-2321


FREE Elliptical exerciser (large, heavy duty). Works fine mechanically but the electronic data feedback needs repair (I don't know but it could simply be hooking up those funny looking dangling cables or providing a power source). I don't know anymore about the machine. Don't ask. Just give a call, come by and take it home. Call Jim Snyder at 731-2121.

Schedule of Events

1 (Monday)—San Diego Temple open, 7:00 AM-Noon
2 (Tuesday)— Seminary will begin on Tuesday, September 2nd at 6:20 AM. (Yes, it’s that time of year again!) We have a wonderful staff of experienced, dedicated teachers. Please encourage your high-school-age son or daughter to be there bright and early to take advantage of this opportunity!
2 (Tuesday)—Vista Stake Young Women Camp Reunion: Enjoy a slide presentation, awards and treats. For YW, leaders, and families, 7:00 PM (Stake Center)
4 (Thursday)—Stake Leadership Priesthood Meeting, 7:00 PM
5 (Friday)—Multi-Stake Single Adult Dance, 9:00 PM (Pomerado Building)
6 (Saturday)—Stake Cub Scout, Varsity, Venture Training, 9:00 AM (Bobier Building) This Training event is especially for Vista Stake BSA leaders and will provide training that is essential to be classified as a "trained leader". The training provided is not usually provided as on "online" experience. Training will be held in the Stake Center. Contact Br. Preece 727-5910 for more information.
6 (Saturday) –Ward Social. Come join us for a delicious dinner and entertainment; 6:00 PM
7 (Sunday)—CES Fireside for young adults ages 18-30, both married and single. The speaker will be Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The broadcast will originate from the Marriott Center on the Brigham Young University campus.
7 (Sunday)—Fast Sunday, 7:00 PM
13 (Saturday) –YW Beehive Conference, 9:00 AM
13 (Saturday) – Initiatories and Sealings, 5:00 PM; Ward Temple Night Chapel Session, 6:00 PM; Endowment Session, 6:30 PM. Please call Bro. Hoopes if you have names for the sealing session. All temple recommend holders are urged to attend the Chapel and Endowment sessions. Please make this a high priority, calendar it now, and make any necessary special arrangements to be in attendance and united with your brothers and sisters of the ward.
14 (Sunday)— Stake/Mission Correlation Meeting-WMLs; 7:00 AM
14 (Sunday)—Ward Conference. Our meeting schedule remains unchanged. Please arrive early.
18 (Thursday)—D.U.P., September 18, Thursday, 10:00 a.m. at Jane Metler’s home, 3540 Cazador Lane, Fallbrook (728-2494). It’s that time again; a new year of learning about those great ancestors and their many trials. Come join us for brunch and anyone that hasn’t been before and would like to share the morning with us, we welcome you, too!
18 (Thursday)— Baptisms, 5:00 PM
18 (Thursday)— Sealings, 7:00 PM
18 (Thursday)— Boy Scout Varsity/Venture Huddles, 7:00 PM
20 (Saturday)—Stake Activity Day—Girls Service Project. A fun-filled day of service for all Primary girls age 8-11. For further information contact Laurie Chalk (V10) 727-6269, 9:00 AM
20 (Saturday)—Youth Dance, 8:00 PM (Del Mar)
21 (Sunday)—BYC, 12:15 PM
21 (Sunday)—Multi-Stake Fireside, 7:00 PM (Poway Stake Center)
21 (Sunday)—YM/YW Stake Standards Night for YM/YW and their parents, 7:00 PM
23 (Tuesday)— Stake Single Adult Meeting, 7:00-8:00 PM (Bobier)
27 (Saturday)—Temple Closed at 12:00 noon for General Relief Society Meeting
27 (Saturday)—General Relief Society Meeting; speakers will include a member of the First Presidency, as well as the members of the Relief Society general presidency; 6:00 PM MT
28 (Sunday)—Fast Sunday
October 4-5 (Saturday-Sunday)—General Conference

The ward newsletter reporter is Stephanie Lowell. Please call with information about your auxiliaries. We would love to share in your announcements, birthdays, achievements, and fun! Contact: Stephanie Lowell at 731-0610 or before the end of each month.

Monday, August 4, 2008

August 2008

Fallbrook Second Ward Newsletter

August 2008

If you have a missionary or other spiritual moment you would like to share, we’d love to hear about it! Please email it to or give to a member of the bishopric so we can share it with the ward.

From the Bishopric

This Month – Primary will be talking about baptism and confirmation, It might be well for all of use to contemplate how we show our faith by being baptized and confirmed.

Very early in this dispensation John the Baptist returned to the earth the priesthood authority necessary to perform the baptism ordinance. He also provided direction on how that ordinance was to be performed. The Doctrine and Covenants contains additional details in section 20. Baptism by immersion is symbolic of the death of a person’s sinful life and rebirth into a spiritual life that is dedicated to the service of our Heavenly Father. In Romans 6:3-6 more can be read about the symbolism of baptism by immersion.

At baptism we enter into a covenant with our Heavenly Father to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, to keep his commandments and to serve him. Through partaking of the Sacrament we reaffirm the covenants we made at Baptism. (see D&C 20:77,79). Personal preparation is needed prior to partaking of the sacrament each week, repentance and personal prayer are part of that preparation.

A few months after John the Baptist restored the Aaroninc Priesthood, Peter, James and John restored to the earth the Priesthood keys necessary to confirm members in the church and to bestow the Gift of the Holy Ghost upon them.

It is truly a great blessing to live on the earth and have direct access to the blessings of priesthood authority and ordinances. Baptism and Confirmation are foundational steps to many more ordinances and blessings. May I encourage each of you to keep and honor our baptismal covenants and worthily partake of the Sacrament each week I so pray and the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Paul Hawkins


We've had some wonderful things going on in Primary this last month. Our theme was on being missionaries and our primary children are great examples of being missionaries. We had a swim party where Liam Holman invited a non-member neighbor and Olivia Engebretson brought a non-member friend to Primary with her on Sunday. We've had the missionaries come and speak to us, we've learned some ways we can be missionaries through our singing and had some reminders through our sharing time of things we can all do to be good missionaries. The primary children have been working hard the last 3-4 months on collecting pennies every time they bring their scriptures to church. With those pennies we purchased two Books of Mormon and taped a picture of our primary children inside the cover along with the first article of faith. We gave them to the missionaries who will give them away to someone they are teaching and get back to us.

Our theme for August is “I will show my faith in Jesus Christ by being baptized and confirmed. We'll talk about our baptismal covenants, taking the sacrament, repenting and living righteously.” We’ll learn the song, “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized.”

Torre Olson will turn 12 on August 11 and she will be moving on to Young Women. She will be a great addition to the Young Women and we will miss her; Sierra Lowell is having a birthday on August 21st.

Jacob and Shelby Nye spent a week in Idaho and Utah visiting relatives and had a great big family reunion with all the Rossell's here in Oceanside. Olivia Engebretson is going to Mexico with her family this month.

LOOKING AHEAD: Our Sacrament Program for the Primary will be October 19. We gave each family a CD with the songs for the program back in January. Please make sure you listen to that often over the next several months as that will help the children with the songs for the program. If for some reason, you have lost or misplaced it, please let one of the presidency know and we will get you another one.

Thanks a million to our wonderful, dedicated and loving primary teachers-- Jody Lowell , Christine Lutnick , Kay Peterman and Nancy Wilson ; to our music leader, Mary Ellen Holman and our pianist, Sharon Self , to our secretary, Kathy Geyer and to Jackie Gibb and Linda Morrison . We love your children and they continue to touch our lives and inspire us to be more Christ like.

Love from our Primary!!

Young Men

Troop 718 (Fallbrook 2nd Ward) attended BHAB from July 14th thru the 18th.  11 scouts attended, including John MacDonald, Austin Moffat, Braden Irvine, Matt Lutnick, Joey Justice, DJ Abbott, Chris Beck, Joey Noblit, Ryan Pando, Ian Wood, and Nick Alkema, as well as leaders Clark Moffat, Gary Wood and Steve Abbott.

Located at 8500' elevation, BHAB offered the scouts a variety of exciting and challenging high adventure scouting activities, including the COPE course (challenging team building outdoor obstacles as well as individually challenging high wire climbs and traverses), rock climbing and rappelling, frontier survival skills, shooting sports, and of course, Camelot (simulated medieval combat). The Stake leadership provided a number of evening activities including firesides, devotionals, and a well deserved trip to the Beaver city recreational pool (to wash the dirt of 150 or so scouts). Most scouts said their highlight was the game "two ball", which is basically a combination between rugby and lacrosse. The scouts were responsible for all aspects of camp, including set up, cooking and cleaning as well as getting organized for the day's events. The Troop 718 leaders were all very impressed with the cooperativeness and team spirit exhibited by our scouts as well as the leadership exhibited by our senior patrol leaders.

For more updates and pictures check out their blog!

Young Women

No information at this time; please see your leaders for this month’s events.

Relief Society

August Calendar

06 WARD TEMPLE NIGHT WED. 7:00pm Session

09 WARD BEACH PARTY SAT from 3:00 PM-dusk

12 RELIEF SOCIETY POOL PARTY TUES. 2-4 pm For all the sisters and their young kids. Bring snacks to share. There is lots of shade for non swimmers. Pool of Mary Kay Tanner 4329 Los Padres Dr. (Pala Mesa Fairways Villas) Call Mary Kay for directions, 731-0010.

BOOK CLUB NO MEETING UNTIL OCT. Next book is March by Geraldine Brooks

August Birthdays

Happy Birthday! How are our birthday sisters spending their summers?

10 Mellissa Compton

10 Jessica Davis

13 Marjorie McDougle Her granddaughter, Dani is getting Married Aug. 15th

14 Robyn Olson Getting her daughter ready for her mission to Barcelona.

15 Daisy Berry

20 Anne Renshaw Doing the New Family History

23 Karen Mitchell Moving into her new home.

28 Kristina Hampton

29 Francisca Flor

30 Mary Morrison Working on her quilts.

31 Lynette Wood Reading, of course.

Family History

The classes for "New Family Search" are going well. For those of you who have completed the course, a new feature has been added to the website. When you are in the "Pedigree with Details" window, there is a new button on the top of the row on the left side called "Summary". This window enables you to see all of the entries that have been combined or added and you can choose which one you would like to appear on your pedigree and family group records. In the past, when you combined entries, it would sometimes change the information on your records. This takes care of that frustration.

Remember, the goal is for everyone to take one of their family file cards to the temple for an Endowment on Nov. 8th. Other ordinances need to be done prior to that date. The youth are doing baptisms on April 16th. They can do more baptisms if they have family file cards to do. Contact Anne Renshaw or Dan and Kathy Lee if you need assistance.

LDS Employment Services

If you are looking for new or better employment, please contact our Ward Employment Specialist, Bro Denning at 760-723-3367, or our Stake Employment Center at 760-631-4070. Current job listings can be reviewed at

Other Events/Organizations/News

To all ward members who have helped our family, thank you. We have had quite a year in our family and are grateful
for all acts of kindness and service. From lawns being mowed, homes being cleaned, boxes being packed, stuff being
moved, meals being prepared and served, prayers being offered, fasts completed, everything. We have appreciated you
and the service you have given to us.

The Rutherfurds,

Jeff, Katie, Amy and Mark

Ward Activities

Wow what a fast summer, it seemed to have just flown by. It’s already time to start thinking about school clothes, lunch boxes and back packs again.
But before that, don't forget our last ward fling for the summer. We’re having a Beach Party at the Oceanside Harbor fire rings August 9 from 3:00 PM until dusk. Free parking to the left of the restaurants under the bridge. Bring a picnic dinner for your family and come share stories around the campfire and have some s'mores with us.

Mark your calendar for our September ward Activity September 5 at 6:00. Come join us for a delicious dinner and entertainment. Watch the ward bulletin for more information.

Missionary Update

The Fallbrook 2nd Ward has a well-deserved reputation for being friendly and open to visitors. We hope that we can take advantage of upcoming ward activities and meetings to invite our friends, where they can feel the Spirit and be touched in their hearts.

The Ward Missionaries have great confidence in the teaching abilities of Elders Mosier and Rasmussen, and stand ready to help you find referrals for them in any way.

David Heid, WML

Garry Bledsoe, 1st Assistant

Lee Bartholomew, 2nd Assistant

Ian Beers

Schedule of Events


1 (Friday)—Multi-Stake Single Adult Dance, 9:00 PM (Pomerado Building)

6 (Wednesday)—Endowment, 7:00 PM

9 (Saturday)—Ward Beach Party, 3:00 PM-dusk. Bring a picnic dinner for your family! (Oceanside Harbor)

12 (Tuesday)—RS Pool Party at Mary Kay Tanner’s Pool; 2-4 PM. 4329 Los Padres Dr. (Pala Mesa Fairways Villas) Call Mary Kay for directions, 731-0010.

16 (Saturday)—Youth Dance, 8:00 PM (Carlsbad)

17 (Sunday)—BYC, 12:15 PM

17 (Sunday)—Multi-Stake Fireside, 7:00 PM (Poway Stake Center)

23 (Saturday)—Stake Youth Old Testament Video Night-“Alice in Bibleland”, 6:00 PM (Vista Stake Center)

26 (Tuesday)— Stake Single Adult Meeting, 7:00-8:00 PM (Bobier)

28-31 (Thursday-Monday)—Single Adult Labor Day Conference; Temple Session, Workshops, Dances, Fireside, Beach Party (Del Mar)

29 (Friday)— Sealings, 7:00 PM

Sept. 5 (Friday)Ward Social

Sept. 13 (Saturday)Ward Temple Night 6:00 PM Chapel Session, 6:30 PM Endowment Session. All temple recommend holders are most earnestly urged to be in attendance. Please make this a priority.

Sept. 14 (Sunday)—Ward Conference. Our meeting schedule remains unchanged. Please arrive early.

The ward newsletter reporter is Stephanie Lowell. Please call with information about your auxiliaries. We would love to share in your announcements, birthdays, achievements, and fun! Contact: Stephanie Lowell at 731-0610 or before the end of each month.