Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 2009

Fallbrook Second Ward Newsletter

March 2009



If you have a missionary or other spiritual moment you would like to share, we'd love to hear about it! Please email it to or give to a member of the bishopric so we can share it with the ward.


From the Bishopric

March Newsletter (from the Bishopric)

We have been given most precious gifts. We have been given the life and sacrifice of the only begotten of the Father: even Jesus Christ, literally our Savoir. We have the "good news" of the gospel and the Plan of Salvation with the role of the atonement being central to it. We have the gift of the Holy Ghost who is the Comforter, Testator, and Revelator. These things have far greater value than anything that can be found in this mortal life. And the absolute beauty of these gifts is that they enlarge and exponentially increase in beauty and luster as they are given to others.

It is incumbent upon us to heed President Eyring's recent reminder: "Here is the charge given to each of the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: 'Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor'." [D&C 88:81]

Member missionary work requires faith and trust in the Lord; and we must be more faithful in sharing the exquisite beauty of the gospel with others. Let us do more to follow the admonition of the Prophet Joseph Smith, "After all that has been said, our greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel."

Let us renew our energies and exercise our faith and pray daily for opportunities to share the gifts we've been given so that we might bless the lives of others. May we each commit ourselves to be part of this great effort.

Brother J. Morrison




We had a very successful blue and gold dinner. Liam Holman and Jacob Nye helped raise $250.00 for our cub scouts with their cakes they made and were auctioned off. Liam is our newest cub scout and he will be a great addition to our troop. Chris Noblit will be leading our cub scouts and we are very blessed to have her with her knowledge, skills and enthusiasm for scouting. She will have our scouts on track in no time.


 We had a special treat last Sunday in primary with the Towers family presenting a lesson in sharing time on the "tree of life." We were all reminded to hold to the iron word which leads us to our Heavenly Father.


March is a busy month. We will be focusing on "family members have important responsibilities." Next Sunday we will be having donuts and milk with the Bishop to celebrate another jar full of marbles for the children bringing their scriptures each week. They are doing a super job! March birthdays include Baily Gleason on the 11th, Victoria Russell on the 12th and Mark Rutherford on the 18th.


We will have the pinewood derby for our cub scouts on March 25 at 7:00 at the church so cubs get those cars ready!!

The children's art festival will be held at the Stake Center on March 21 at 7:00. We will have a choir rehearsal on the 8th at the Fallbrook building and the 15th at the Stake Center. Also, get your art entry fliers into the Stake by March 1.


Parents, please make sure your children 8yrs-11yrs old are working on their faith in god. Primary Activity Day girls is the second Tuesday of each month here in the primary room at 7 p.m. Sister Gibb always has something fun for the girls to do. They will be cooking this month.


What a blessing it is to share with your children each week our testimonies of eternal families and of the temple. How grateful I am for the plan our Heavenly Father has put into place for each of us. It's a simple plan. A perfect plan. A true plan of happiness. For that, I am truly grateful for and hope to live my life each day in gratitude for all the blessings I have--especially of being able to be surrounded by his "little ones" each week.


Beth Moffat


Young Men/Scouting


Scouts of Troop 718 (Deacons)

 In March the Scouts from the Deacon's quorum plan to work on the Communications merit badge, another Eagle Required!  Events for the month include the semi-annual merit badge roundup in March 7th at the Stake center from 10 to 2 pm.  On the 21st the Young Women are sponsoring a hike in the Anza-Borrego desert.  Finally on March 31st, all Young Men will have a court of honor.  Check out all our activities at  

Keep working on your family life merit badge and cooking!

High Priests


February 22, 2009


Have you ever realized how very important it is to have patience with the ones we love most?

Family life can test your true inner strength and patience. Elder Robert Oaks said, "Patience may well be thought of as a gateway virtue, contributing to growth and strength of its fellow virtues of forgiveness, tolerance, and faith.


A story was told about a frustrated four year old that brought a handful of rose pedals to her mother. When asked what was wrong, the child replied that she had tried to make the rosebud open up like a big beautiful flower. The mother gently explained about patience and that flowers need time to grow in their own way and will bloom when they are ready. She advised her daughter to just enjoy the flowers and watch them grow. Years later when the daughter was eleven, the mother impatiently tried to change the daughter's behavior. Fortunately, the mother began to study child development and found that her daughter acted like a normal eleven year old. This time the lesson on patience was for the mother. She needed to show her unconditional love, be firm, trust and let go. It wasn't easy but before long she saw her daughter becoming a confident young woman and their relationship improved. Patience is one of the most difficult requirements of being a parent, yet it is critical to our effectiveness.


The Book of Mormon provides many great insights on the power of patience and teaches us that without patience we would seriously lack with respect to a Christ like character. It also teaches us that there is a distinct relationship between patience and charity. Moroni 7:45 says, "…Charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."


The Bible offers a classic portrait of patience in Job. In the face of losing everything, Job was still able to proclaim, "…The Lord giveth and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." Job 1:21 Through all this he did not charge God or sin. He was a great example of patience.


The greatest example of all patience is found in the life of Jesus Christ. His long suffering and endurance was demonstrated in the Garden of Gethsemane. When he uttered in agony, "…O Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." He truly suffered and bore all things with the perfect example of faith and patience. Matthew 26:39


Sometimes it is easier said than done to do the things we should do. Often the things in life that are most worthwhile are the hardest to achieve. Our family life can be improved if we can learn and truly try to become more patient, it is one step closer to following our Saviors example.




John Hoopes, Jim O'Brien, Paul Olsen, and Jack McClellan

High Priest Group Advisors


Young Women


No information at this time.



Relief Society

Dear Sisters,

This month we get to celebrate the 167th birthday of the Relief Society.  We are so very blessed to be fellow members of such a great organization!  In no other women's organization can we find such a complete program for self-improvement, family strength, and salvation through Jesus Christ.  In the March Ensign our Relief Society general president, Julie B. Beck said, "Relief Society helps provide defense in these perilous times.  Sunday lessons, Relief Society activities and meetings, and visiting teaching are how we do the Lord's work and strengthen individuals and families." She continues by saying, "though we are confronted with issues such as divorce, disobedience, debt, depression, apathy, and addiction, we cannot forget that we also live in a day when the Lord's Spirit is poured out upon us."  The Lord has certainly blessed our ward Relief Society with his spirit and love.  We can feel it every time we meet together.  Thank you for your service and prayers.  We encourage each of us to continue to reach out to one another through Visiting Teaching.  Now, more than ever, we need each other for comfort and guidance.


Your Relief Society Presidency.

March Calendar

March 4 –   Ward Temple Night 

March 9 – Empty Nesters - 6:15 p.m.

March 7 – Visiting Teaching Breakfast and Interviews (9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.  Please sign up for your interview time and come enjoy brunch with us. 

March 18 – Relief Society Birthday Dinner 6:00 p.m.  – all sisters invited

March 19 – Book Club is attending "The Scarlett Pimpernel" production at Lawrence Welk Theater 1:30 p.m..  Cost is approximately $40.  Please contact Anna O'Brien as soon as possible if you wish to attend.

April 4
5 – General Conference


Relief Society Birthdays

 Our apologies to our newer sisters.  We do not have all of your birthdays yet.


 02    Mary Ellen Holman 

04    Carol Wilson 

05    Linda Gjefle

08    Beth Moffat

12    Annette Schreiber

12  Alejandra Webb                                        

 18  Sharon Towery

28  Debbie Sorensen

30  Donna Thompson

30  Kathy Geyer



Here is the recipe for the dish from our Visiting Teaching interviews, thanks Sister Finnigan:


Baked French Toast Casserole


  • 1 loaf French bread (13 to 16 ounces)
  • Butter, for pan
  • 8 large eggs
  • 2 cups half-and-half
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Dash salt
  • Praline Topping, recipe follows
  • Raspberry Syrup, recipe follows


Slice French bread into 20 slices, 1-inch thick each. (Use any extra bread for garlic toast or bread crumbs). Arrange slices in a generously buttered 9 by 13-inch flat baking dish in 2 rows, overlapping the slices.

In a large bowl, combine the eggs, half-and-half, milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt and beat with a rotary beater or whisk until blended but not too bubbly. Pour mixture over the bread slices, making sure all are covered evenly with the milk-egg mixture. Spoon some of the mixture in between the slices. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight.

The next day, preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spread Praline Topping evenly over the bread and bake for 45 minutes, until puffed and lightly golden. Serve with Raspberry Syrup.

Praline Topping:


1/2 pound (2 sticks) butter

1 cup packed light brown sugar

1 cup chopped pecans

2 tablespoons light corn syrup

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg


Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and blend well. Spread over bread as directed above.

Raspberry Syrup:


1 cup raspberry preserves

3 tablespoons water


Combine ingredients in a small saucepan and place over medium heat. Stir until warm and thinned out like syrup


Family History

Having the Stake Temple Day in November was a wonderful goal and many of you were able to take the challenge of our Stake President and take your family names to the temple.  Now that the holidays are over and things are getting back to normal, we need to refocus on our family history.  Make it a resolution, if you will.  I am ready to assist you in getting your family history goals accomplished. 

We still need to work on "New Family Search."  Everyone needs to be registered on New Family Search and working to make that "Book of Remembrance" as complete as possible.  By registering, you make sure you and your family are found in the book.  By combining names, you are helping to avoid future duplication.  Let me know if you need assistance with this or any other family history needs.  Anne Renshaw


LDS Employment Services

If you are looking for new or better employment, please contact our Ward Employment Specialist, Bro Denning at 760-723-3367, or our Stake Employment Center at 760-631-4070. Current job listings can be reviewed at


Other Events/Organizations/News


The Stake public affairs is asking for your help!


The Union Tribune has established an Internet site called, on which we can put articles. We need members and friends to go online to read and rate the articles and make comments. Please sign up on this web site with an e-mail address and a password to make a comment and rate the article. The articles that get the most interest or "hits" will run in the paper. There are 2 articles from Vista Stake at the present time, one titled the "Mormon Battalion has Ties20to Fallbrook and It's Residents" and "Vista Scout Troop 715 Rides Bikes Across California".  Go to and register with an email address and password. Then, you can select "Vista" or Fallbrook" under the drop down menu for Community and find the articles about our Stake.  If you have any questions you may call Sister Cole at 760-451-5070.


We are well into the New Year. February has come and gone, but not without a fun time at our tri-ward Valentines dance and social. We have some mighty talented couples in our ward. For those of you who missed our gala, you missed Sonny and Cher (The Sparkman's) and a group from the sixties showed up with their stringy long hair and tie-died clothes. (The Lowell's)


March is quickly approaching. This month we have our Stake Young Artist Festival on March 21 at 7:00. Mark your calendars and come see the talent of our youth in our ward as well as the stake.


Don't forget to watch our ward Sunday bulletin for upcoming activities!!


Missionary Update




Finally a thought on respecting others and appreciating the good that they do, even if they have not yet embraced the Restored Gospel.


"There is a love from God that should be exercised toward those of our faith, who walk uprightly, which is peculiar to itself, but it is without prejudice; it also gives scope to the mind, which enables us to conduct ourselves with greater liberality towards all that are not of our faith, than what they exercise towards one another.  These principles approximate nearer to the mind of God, because it is like God, or Godlike."    (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 146-7


Other News






Calendar of Events


March 15 (Sunday)— Primary Practice for the Stake Young Artists Spring Festival; 6:00 PM

March 18 (Wednesday)— Relief Society Birthday Dinner; 6:00 PM

March 19 (Thursday)— Stake Priesthood Leadership Meeting; 7:00 PM

March 20 (Friday)— Sealings; 7:00 PM

March 25 (Wednesday)— Pinewood Derby; 7:00 PM

March 21 (Saturday)—
This Saturday, March 21, is the Stake's Young Artist's Festival, "Behold Your Little Ones" featuring our Stake Primary Choir. All are invited. Performance begins at 7:00 p.m. at the Stake Center.

March 28 (Saturday)—
YW Dinner, Recognition, and Broadcast for YW, their mothers and leaders; 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM, church dress.

March 28 (Saturday)— We are all invited to attend the Interreligious Council of San Diego, Interfaith Family Service entitled "Reverence for All Life."   Saturday, March 28, 2009 from 3 to 4 PM     Place: Murphy Canyon Military Chapel, 3200 Santo Drive, San Diego.  Speakers will represent Baha'i, Islam, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, and Christian.  President Allen Haynie of the Escondido South Stake will represent the LDS Church.  All are welcome to attend.

March 31 (Tuesday)— Pack Meeting/Court of Honor at the church; 7:00 PM

April 4 & 5 (Saturday and Sunday)— General Conference

Sunday, February 1, 2009

January/February 2009

January/February 2009

If you have a missionary or other spiritual moment you would like to share, we’d love to hear about it! Please email it to or give to a member of the bishopric so we can share it with the ward.

From the Bishopric

We live in a great ward. I love the dedication and commitment that is demonstrated through selfless service and example. While mentioning love, I point out that Valentine ’s Day is right around the corner. Don't forget to share your love with family, friends, and neighbors. After all, Christ said to love one another. :-)

Thanks to all who helped clean the building during the month of January. Your efforts were greatly appreciated. The next building assignments will be in April.

The youth have a temple trip planned on the 12th of February. Be sure and see a member of the Bishopric to let them know you will be attending. For anyone that has names for us to take to the temple on that evening, please contact one of the youth leaders or a member of the Bishopric.

I hope that you are discovering your talents and helping others discover theirs. I hope that you are using your amazing talents to bless the lives of those around you and helping make the world a better place. And lastly, I hope that everyone of us is fully immersed in the gospel and feels the blessings of a loving Heavenly Father.

Have a great month.

Brother Craig Garrett




We're off to a great start in Primary for 2009. Our theme for this year is "My Eternal Family." Two things we would like to do is get a picture of each Primary family for our bulletin board; we will be calling you to set a time after church to quickly take a family picture. Also, we are asking each of our primary families to come into sharing time once this year and tell a little about your family. We'd like the whole family to participate and further instruction will be forthcoming as you are contacted by Cali Bartholomew. So January we are concentrating on "I am a spirit child of Heavenly Father". We'll be talking how Heavenly Father loves us and has a plan for us, that we lived with Heavenly Father before we came to the earth, that we are created in His image, and that the Family is ordained of God and is central to His plan.

Olivia Engebretson is our new year’s birthday on January 1, Isaac Maxwell on January 8, Kainian MacDonald on January 9 and Liam Holman on January 30. The BIG NEWS is we have a baptism scheduled on January 17 for Sierra Gleason. She and her two siblings are wonderful additions to our primary and we are excited for Sierra and her family and know she will be blessed for making the decision to be baptized.

With the new schedule, we are starting Primary with our sharing time and then move to the classes. Landon Gibb and Lizzie Nye are joining our Sunbeam class. Wyatt, Amy and Olivia Towers, move into the CTR class, Olivia Engebretson, Victoria Russell and Sierra Lowell move to Valiant class. We are so blessed to have our wonderful teachers continue. They come prepared to teach your children each week and we are grateful for them. They are very dedicated. How grateful we are for the privilege of teaching your children and be reminded constantly of what Heavenly Father meant when he said we are to become as little children.

The Primary


What a wonderful blessing we've had this month of welcoming several new primary children. Aaron and Riley Egg moved here from Washington, D.C., Tristen Willis moved into the ward with his mom, Jared Anderson also moved here from Utah with his mother. They've been a wonderful addition to our primary.

Liam Holman will turn 8 on January 31 and will be baptized sometime in February. Our February birthdays are Landon Gibb on the 15, Wyatt Poulson on the 25 and Lonnie Feinga on the 28.

Our theme for February will be "I came to earth as part of a family."

I hope you've taken a minute to look at all our primary families on the bulletin board. Aren't they a good looking group? What a blessing to be able to share with the children the eternal nature of families and the importance of the temple in our lives. We are looking forward to getting to know some of the families through our primary as they come in and share what it means to them to be part of an eternal family.

Activity Days for girls 8-11 will be once a month, second Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the church. They will meet in the primary room. Jackee Gibb is the teacher so call her if you have any questions.

The children have gotten into the habit of bringing their scriptures each Sunday and they are rewarded for doing so. We are currently working to fill our scripture jar to have donuts and juice with the Bishop. We are already halfway there.

We appreciate our primary leaders who serve so diligently each week. Thank you for sharing your children with us. They are truly a blessing to be with each Sunday.

The Primary

Young Men/Scouting


Scouts of Troop 718 (Deacons)

The scouts are working on the Family Life merit badge in February, an Eagle required award. Our new Senior Patrol Leader is Sam Flor. Please contact Sam for questions about the troop activities. Scout Sunday is February 8th, all scouts and leaders should wear their Class A uniforms. The combined activity is the Valentine Dance on the 11th. Our scout activity is rock climbing/rappelling on Saturday, Feb 28th.

Check out recent updates on our blog at

High Priests

No information at this time.

Young Women

The Young Women of our ward will be busy during February and March finding out more about who they really are and how important they are. February’s value is Divine Nature and March is Individual Worth. We are trying to solidify plans for girls’ camp and will be excited to let you know where we will be going and how you can be a part of our fundraising efforts as soon as we can. In February we have the opportunity to experience a trip to the temple to do baptisms for those who have passed on without being able to do it for themselves. We will attend the temple on Thursday the 12th at 5:00. We also have not only a Stake dance in Feb. but also a Fallbrook dance on the 11th. The young women will be testing their baking skills, as we will be providing cookies for all who attend. In March our special events will be the Priest / Laurel Conference on the 6th and 7th. And the YW General Broadcast and Recognition dinner at the Stake Center on the 28th at 5:30. Annie Olson will get special recognition that night, because she has earned her Young Womanhood award. We are also very excited to welcome some newcomers to our YW. Danielle Parks was baptized on Jan.17th and joined our Laurel class on Jan.25 when she turned 16. She is a wonderful girl who loves animals, friends and does well in school. Also Leanna Anderson moved from St. George, UT; Leanna will be a Laurel in March, she loves to dance, act and sing.

Relief Society

Dear Sisters,

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day during the month of February, we have a day to tell those most important to us how much we love them, it also provides us with another opportunity to be reminded of one of the greatest qualities of the Savior, mainly that of charity. How essential having this gift is and often one of the most difficult to master! It is considered in the scriptures to be the most important for without it we are nothing. (Moroni 7:46-48) As we read and ponder this scripture, may we, this Valentine month, seek ways to have charity garnish our thoughts and fill our hearts by the way we treat others, particularly our loved ones.


Your Relief Society Presidency.

February Calendar

Feb 4 – Girls Night Out at the Firehouse Broiler, 1019 So. Mission 6:00 p.m.(No Ward Temple Night)

Feb 9 – Empty Nesters - 6:15 p.m. at the Hoopes’ home

Feb 14 – “Through the Years” Fallbrook Second Ward adult dance.

Feb 18 – Book Club – Kansas Troubles by Earlene Fowler presented by Linda Hawkes at her home – 2138 Gird Road, carpooling is encouraged 7:00 p.m.

Feb 28 – Stake Women’s’ Conference 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Vista Stake Center

March 7 – Plan Ahead_-- Visiting Teaching Conference – Watch for Details

Relief Society Birthdays

Our apologies to our newer sisters. We do not have all of your birthdays yet.

01 Vonda Day

02 Jennifer Nye

03 Marianne McKay

08 Melanie Gleason

09 Kathy Newman

15 Linda Hawkes

19 Torre Ciani

22 Margarita Hendez

Family History

Having the Stake Temple Day in November was a wonderful goal and many of you were able to take the challenge of our Stake President and take your family names to the temple. Now that the holidays are over and things are getting back to normal, we need to refocus on our family history. Make it a resolution, if you will. I am ready to assist you in getting your family history goals accomplished.

We still need to work on "New Family Search." Everyone needs to be registered on New Family Search and working to make that "Book of Remembrance" as complete as possible. By registering, you make sure you and your family are found in the book. By combining names, you are helping to avoid future duplication. Let me know if you need assistance with this or any other family history needs. Anne Renshaw

LDS Employment Services

If you are looking for new or better employment, please contact our Ward Employment Specialist, Bro Denning at 760-723-3367, or our Stake Employment Center at 760-631-4070. Current job listings can be reviewed at

Other Events/Organizations/News


I love January; January is a time when I can feel renewed, refreshed and rejuvenated. It is a time when I make new commitments to my Heavenly Father. One of my commitments this year is to study and apply attributes of my Savior, Jesus Christ. My New Testament seminary study is a way I can make this happen. I have discovered thanks to my husband, Craig, that the church website has a wonderful resource for my seminary study, specifically, the scripture masteries verses, this can be found at or you can back up a link and see other resources at The first link has interactive activities of ways to study, understand, locate and memorize the New Testament scripture masteries and the other years also. The latter link has resources to videos, the New Era, General Conference talks, music, gospel topics, etc designed especially for youth and their family. I am excited to try my hand at some of the scripture mastery games and share with my family during FHE or other times. I hope by sharing my discovery it can bless your family with ways to enjoy this brand new year.

Ellen Garrett


As we look back on Fallbrook 2nd Ward 2008, we, as usual, are amazed at how fast the year flew by. We look forward to a really fun 2009. Watch for some fun activities coming up!! Mark your calendar For February 14th. Sweetheart’s day - fun social coming up!!

We started off the year 2008 in February with a Valentines dance and social in tandem with the 1st and 5th wards. The night began with a get to know you game, and then a couple from each ward entertained us with the “Not so Newlywed Game”. Alene Ahrend (now Sister Endter ) along with Ken Endter gave all of us dance lessons, after which we spent the evening on the dance floor trying out all the new steps we learned.

April brought us a Ward Movie night. Popcorn, candy, cracker jacks and, of course, chocolates were in abundance. All who came keep asking for another movie night. Watch for this year’s upcoming theatrical splendors.

May came with all its spring flowers. The guys all went on a Fathers and Sons campout, while all the mothers and daughters spent the evening at the Tavano’s. A smorgasbord of great food and desserts were brought; and a great movie was enjoyed by all who came.

On July 4th the ward invaded the Moffat home for a swim party and BBQ. Everyone brought a dish to share, and Clark Moffat was the master chef preparing delicious hot dogs and hamburgers for everyone. The kids enjoyed games and a pinata.

OUR September Ward social started off our ward conference. If you were not there, you really missed out. The evening started on a quiet note with a BBQ pulled beef dinner, but the evening did not stay quiet long. Once dinner was over, our ward auxiliaries entertained us with some lively lip sync. Our Bishopric became famous that night with their spectacular entertainment.

October rolled around and we had our traditional “all ward” Trunk or Treat. BBQ hot dogs were in abundance, and families brought their famous chili to be shared, as well as be judged. Congratulations to the Becks in our ward who won 1st place.

We closed our year out with our Christmas Party and a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Sister Cole put together a beautiful program with a wonderful slide show of Favorite Christmas pictures of families in our ward. Sister Zundell told some wonderful Christmas stories and beautiful music by the Nye’s and Tower family, along with Sister Renshaw were enjoyed by all.

We look forward to enjoying many fun activities as a ward this year, getting to know each other better, and having the opportunity to bring our non-member friends to enjoy the activities with us.

The Activities committee would like to invite you to share fun ideas you have for ward activities. You can let us know these great ideas by emailing Karen Tavano at, or slipping any one of our ward activity committee a note, call us, scream it in our ear. We want to hear from you!!

Missionary Update

Missionary News

We are excited to announce the baptism of four new members into the Church. On January 10, Sierra Gleason was baptized by Elder Landon Archibald. After leaving for home in Utah, Elder Archibald returned on January 17 (after placing second in a snow mobile hill climb contest!) and baptized Kyle Parks. Kyle’s father, Dan, was baptized by Elder Christopher McKenna, and our own Nick Alkema baptized Danielle Parks.

After confirmations in Sacrament Meeting, Dan and Kyle were sustained to receive the Aaronic Priesthood, and Dan was sustained as the Young Men Secretary.

Our current Elders are Elder Tyler Hunsaker (American Fork, UT) and Elder Christopher McKenna (Atlanta, GA). There are hard workers and are ready to meet with your friends. They are especially appreciative of the wonderful dinner support from the ward members, but they are also eager to receive teaching referrals!

As we boldly proclaim the restored gospel, let us keep in mind this thought from President Gordon B. Hinckley:

“To these we say in a spirit of love, bring with you all that you have of good and truth which you have received from whatever source, and come and let us see if we may add to it.” (Ensign, November 2002, page 78)

Calendar of Events


4 (Wednesday)— RS Girls Night Out at The Firehouse Broiler, 1019 S. Main St.; 6:00 PM

8 (Next Sunday)— Next Sunday is Scout Sunday.

9 (Monday)— Empty Nesters Hosted by the Hoopes’ at their home.

11 (Wednesday)— Youth Valentine’s Dance; 7:00 PM

11 (Wednesday)— Stake Home Storage Committee Meeting; 7:00 PM (Fallbrook)

12 (Thursday)— Youth Temple Baptisms; 5:00 PM

14 (Saturday)— Stake YW Basketball; 10:00 AM

14 (Saturday)— “Through the Years” Celebrate the love of your life with the dance of your life! This year’s Fallbrook Ward’s Valentine’s Party will feature food, fun, and games as well as the greatest dance music from the 40’s to the 80’s. Saturday, February 14th at 6:00 pm. Adults only. Food and fun for the evening will be furnished by all of us, so sign up to bring either hors d’oeuvres or a dessert to share, invite your sweetheart, and join us. Heaven only knows where it might lead!

15 (Sunday)— Stake Friendship Open House; 7:00 PM (Foothill Building)

21 (Wednesday)— Youth Stake Dance; 8:00 PM (Del Mar)

28 (Saturday)— Please mark your calendars for Stake Relief Society Women's Conference, "Every Needful Thing", on Saturday, February 28, 9 AM -2 PM, Bobier building. Speakers, classes, food, and more!

March 1 (Sunday)— Primary Practice for the Stake Young Artists Spring Festival; 6:00 PM

March 4 (Wednesday)— Ward Temple Night—7:00 PM Endowment Session

March 6 (Friday)— Multi-Stake Priest/Laurel Conference; 7:00 PM (Casual Dress)

March 7 (Saturday)— Multi-Stake Priest/Laurel Conference and Dance; 2:00 PM (Church Dress)

March 21 (Saturday)— The Stake is hosting a young artist's festival, "Behold Your Little Ones" featuring children of our stake from ages 8-12. All are invited to attend. Performance will be Saturday, March 21, 7:00 p.m., at the Bobier building. We are looking for talented youngsters that sing or play musical instruments and hope each child will submit a piece of artwork. We are also looking for children that would like to make baked goods for refreshments. For more information contact your ward primary president. Questions, contact Phyllis Livingston or Alene Ahrend

Sunday, November 30, 2008

December 2008

Fallbrook Second Ward Newsletter

December 2008

If you have a missionary or other spiritual moment you would like to share, we’d love to hear about it! Please email it to or give to a member of the bishopric so we can share it with the ward.

From the Bishopric

The Christmas season is upon us and what a beautiful time it is. We are reminded that 'the wise still seek Him." And so we must continue to seek after Jesus. In order to do so we must first prepare time for Him in our lives and room for Him in our hearts. The formula for finding Jesus had always been and ever will be the same -- the earnest and sincere prayer of a humble and pure heart. "Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." [Jeremiah 29:13]

When the wise men from the East sought after the Savior and found Him, they fell down, and worshipped Him; and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts: gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. [Matt 2:2, 10-11] When we find Him, will we be prepared as were these wise men of old to provide gifts from our treasures? But material riches are not the gifts Jesus asks of us. From the treasure of our hearts Jesus asks that we give of ourselves. "Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind." [D&C 64:34] We have many opportunities to give of ourselves. President Monson reminds us that there are hearts to gladden. There are kind words to say. There are gifts to be given. There are deeds to be done. There are souls to be saved.

As we are true to our baptismal covenant "to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things, and in all places" and are willing "to bear one another's burdens, that they might be light" [Mosiah 18:9, 8] we will find the Jesus whom we seek. This is our brother whom we love. This is Christ the Lord, whom we serve.

At this time of Christmas let us not forget that God gave His Son, and His Son gave His life, that we might have the gift of eternal life. Let our hearts be filled with joy and gladness as we celebrate these most precious gifts.

Brother Morrison


Happy Thanksgiving from Primary. We have so many blessings to be grateful for and working in Primary is right at the top.

We hope to get the holiday season started with a Primary Activity on December 6 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. at the church. We will be having a "Birthday Party for Jesus" celebration. We are asking the children to each bring a small, inexpensive gift, wrapped to give to a child in need. We will be playing some games, decorating cupcakes and making a craft to go along with our theme to help the children understand why we celebrate this special holiday. We are winding down the year with the theme: "I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and His restored gospel." Happy Birthday to Bondie Miller on Dec. 15. Welcome to Hensley Josephs, Jackson, Baylee and Sierra Gleason. Goodbye and many thanks to Jackee Gibb who served as a Primary counselor and did so many great things for our primary. We will miss her and all her fun ideas for teaching us. Welcome to Kathy Geyer as the 2nd counselor and to Caitlin Bartholomew as our secretary.

Young Men

Our Month of December starts Duty to God Activity on the 2nd.  No Y/M on the

9th because we have Youth Baptisms on the 10th at 7:00 pm. We will meet at
the church at 4 pm so we can go to a nice restaurant before our Baptisms which
start at 7:00 pm. We will have our combined service activity on the 16th, where
we will carol and pass out cookies. We will have no Y/M for Teachers and Priests
on the 23rd due to Christmas, but scouts will still meet. We will have a court of
honor on the 30th. Merry Christmas
For updates and pictures of Troop 718’s activities check out their


High Priests

This holiday season would be a great time for us to find joy in our journey

of life. President Thomas S. Monson said, "Let us relish life as we live it,
find joy in the journey and share our love with friends and family."
Throughout life we all experience changes. Some changes are good and
some may be difficult to endure. Some of these changes are sudden but
most of them come on gradually. We all have changes in our lives.

President Monson said, "This is our one and only chance at mortal
life - here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization
that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. The
greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth
are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and
what is not." Don't let those important times pass you by. Reach out
and enjoy those very important times in your life with your family
and friends.

President Monson counsels us that, "There is no tomorrow to
remember if we don't do something today." We should make the most
of the time we have with our children and grandchildren rather than
dwelling on the past. We need to make the most of today by doing all
we can to provide pleasant memories for the future. What will your
family remember most? Will they remember the time you spent with
them together or will they remember you being too busy with work or
other interests?

Bring out the best of yourself by speaking kind words to loved ones
and by showing the love and appreciation you have for them. In John
13:34, the Savior admonishes us, "As I have loved you, … love one another."

We should especially have love and gratitude for our Savior Jesus Christ.
He taught us how to live, to serve one another, and how to love everyone.
Then he gave us the ultimate sacrifice when he died for us so that we
could be forgiven of our sins. His atonement makes it possible for us to
return to live again with our Heavenly Father and our Savior someday.
This is the greatest act of love of all. We should remember and rejoice
that we are all part of His eternal family.

John Hoopes, Jim O'Brien, Paul Olson, Jack McClellan

Young Women

Merry Christmas! As we remember the birth and life of our Savior, we hope that our young women will feel the spirit of the season. Christmas is a time that we can look beyond ourselves to help those around us who are in need. Our activities this month will with have an emphasis on serving others.

December 2: Special activity at the Alkema home.

December 10: Temple Baptisms.

December 16: Caroling.

December 23: No activity.

December 30: No activity.

December 31: Multi-stake dance.

Check with Young Women’s leaders for times. December is also a really great month to work on Personal Progress, with many opportunities to serve others.

Young Women’s Presidency

Relief Society

December Calendar

3 (Wednesday)—Ward Temple Night

6 (Saturday)—Ward Christmas Party

17 (Wednesday)—Relief Society Christmas Party; meet at the church at 5:45 PM sharp!

25 (Thursday)—Christmas Day

31 (Wednesday)—New Year’s Eve

Relief Society Birthdays

02—Debra Lynn Schattschneider

04—Andrina Marie Lilly

06—Joretta Worden

11—Holly Kolb

13—Kathleen Ray

17—Carolina Haywood

18—Adeline Jane McBride

18—Delynn Heid

22—Debra Hawkins

24—Lara Joy McAllister

27—Cathi Wasson

30—Margaret Renshaw

31—Penny Maughan

We wish all the blessings and joy of the holiday season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. MERRY CHRISTMAS! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Family History

No new news at this time.

LDS Employment Services

If you are looking for new or better employment, please contact our Ward Employment Specialist, Bro Denning at 760-723-3367, or our Stake Employment Center at 760-631-4070. Current job listings can be reviewed at

Other Events/Organizations/News

Ward Activities

Christmas is almost here, come share the beginning of this wonderful season as a ward. Our Christmas Party will be Saturday December 6. Dinner will be served at 6:30 and our program will begin at 7:15. Come and enjoy good food, a great program and the evening with our ward family.

Don't forget our trash cans in the foyer. Help us fill them. There are many families going without this year. Help us bring a smile and a full tummy to a little one this year.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful, happy New Year.

Ward Activity Committee

Missionary Update

Missionary Message

What a great season to act as true disciples of the Savior and share a gospel message! This is a time when people are sensitive to the Spirit and can feel your love and concern. Remember that many have been “kept from the truth [only] because they know not where to find it” (D&C 123:12)

We have it, so let’s look for chances share! The Ward Missionaries stand ready to assist you in any way. May this truly be blessed Christmas.

Brother David Heid

Calendar of Events


2 (Tuesday)— Temple Christmas lights and program (now known as “Sights and Sounds of Christmas”) begins Monday Dec 1st until Dec 23rd with nightly performances at 7 PM; second performances at 8 PM on Fridays and Saturdays. The Vista Stake Choir presents their programs on Tuesday, December 2nd and members of our Stake are in the Harp Ensemble on Wednesday, Dec 3rd. Please make a special effort to bring your friends, blanket, and chairs. Remember that the Temple grounds are sacred, and please No Food or Drink on Temple grounds.

3 (Wednesday)—Endowment Session, 7:00 PM

6 (Saturday)—Ward Christmas Party, dinner at 6:30 PM, program at 7:15. Please bring your favorite Christmas finger dessert to share.

7 (Sunday)—Fast Sunday

7 (Sunday)—First Presidency Christmas Devotional, 7:00 PM (Bobier Building)

10 (Wednesday)—Youth Temple Baptisms, 7:00 PM

11 (Thursday)—BSA Cub/Scout Roundtables, 7:00 PM

13 (Saturday)—Stake 5/10K Run, Walk, 9:00 AM (Stake Center)

21 (Sunday)—Multi-Stake Single Adult Fireside, 7:00 PM (Poway Stake Center)

24 (Wednesday)— San Diego Temple Closed

25 (Thursday)— Christmas Day

25 (Thursday)— San Diego Temple Closed

31 (Wednesday)—Multi-Stake Youth New Year’s Eve Dance, 9:00 PM - 12:30 AM (Bobier)

31 (Wednesday)—Single Adults New Year’s Eve Dance, 9:00 PM (Mission Valley Building)